Speaking Engagements Available
Contact : Ramsay@Angelicseekers.com for appointment or call 808-383-0394
First Reading:
Available via phone:
*( prerequisite ) personal reading via Bonnie introducing your Angels, Gifts and cleansing
Also available for workshops and lectures
Readings available in person only:
Core & State of the Soul
*State of the Soul:
Includes Meeting your Angels, learning your gifts or psychic perceptions and how to use them. The State of the Soul is a clairvoyant reading the last 1/2 hour of one1/2 hour reading.
Cost $150
*Tarot Life Path Spread
5 hours long,you receive your own reference journal $500
Aloha,click on photo to next page
*Past Life or *Current
Available as often as wanted
rate $50 per 1/2 hour
Readings by Bonnie
Available as often as wanted
rate $50 per 1/2 hour